Multimetal Water analysis system (MWAS)

The MWAS has been validated by independent experts with real mining and environmental water samples.

  • Measures dissolved Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Mo, Pb and U
  • Concentrations down to 5 ppb (µg/l)
  • Results in under 15 min
  • Compatible with Hitachi X-MET8000 and Evident Vanta XRF analysers
  • Minimal training needed
  • Competitive pricing against lab instruments or services
  • Low maintenance
  • Integrated cloud data management for centralized reporting and accessibility
  • Lightweight, portable and battery operated
  • Patented and industry proven

Interested in performance and reliablitiy of the analysis

The MWAS has been validated by independent experts with real mining and environmental water samples.

3AWater Consumable set

The set of consumable includes the 3AWater metal collector, a 0.45 μm syringe filter, and a syringe. A water sample is pumped through the metal collector and syringe filter by the purpose-built syringe pump. One set is needed for each measurement of up to nine metals.

Nanomaterials in the metal collector provide an exceptionally large surface area, approximately 4000 times larger than the area of the filter, maximizing the capture of metal ions. The metal ions are concentrated hundreds of times more than in the original water sample. 

The water is only in contact with the consumable parts eliminating contamination issues and making the system maintenance free. The user does not need to spend valuable time in calibrating the system, washing the used parts or running blank samples to ensure reliable results. The MWAS is always ready for measurements.

We have separate Metal Collector for ions such Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb and U and Arsenic collector for As, Se and Mo. We are adding new elements to the capabilities. Please contact us if you have needs to analyze elements that are not listed.

3AWater Accessory Kit

Everything needed for metal monitoring in a portable and easy to handle package. Accessory kit includes:

  • Lightweight and comfortable backpack for carrying the equipment.

  • Battery operated Syringe pump for easy and repeatable sample preparation.

  • Sample adapter for a radiation shield for easy and safe analysis with XRF Analyser. 

3AWater Stationary Setup

Multimetal Water Analysis System (MWAS) for stationary laboratory setups. This setup includes:

  • Battery operated Syringe pump for easy and repeatable sample preparation analysis.

  • Hitachi X-MET8000 Benchtop Stand or Evident Vanta Workstation with sample adapter.

Handheld X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer (XRF)

Handheld XRF analyzers are portable instruments that have been used for more than 50 years to analyse metal compositions of solid samples, such as ores, drill cores, soil samples, or metal products. 3AWater technology broadens its applicability for monitoring waters. With MWAS calibrations the instrument becomes a multipurpose analytical device for industrial users. 

Read the metal concentrations from the screen of the spectrometer or send them with coordinates to cloud service for mapping the results. 

MWAS is compatible with Hitachi X-MET8000 and Evident’s Vanta™ XRF spectrometers. Already own one of these spectrometers? Send us the model information and we will let you know if it can be calibrated for MWAS. 

Download MWAS technical notes for Hitachi X-MET and Evident Vanta.

Interested on trial?

We will test your water sample and provide you a performance report for free. Schedule a meeting with us to discuss the details.